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15 September 2016
8 min read


Over the years some tricks have been very useful while programming in Ruby, this is a collection of them.

Conditional/Assignment merge

Other languages may not let you assign variables inside a conditional statement, such as if, elsif, while or until. But Ruby does let you do that, which actually can help you avoid asking twice for the same variable. The following code blocks are equivalent, in the first case we test and only then modify the array, in the second case we do both at once.

a = [1, 2, 3]
# Multi-line version
until a.empty?
  puts a.shift
# Single line version
puts a.shift until a.empty?
a = [1, 2, 3]
# Multi-line version
until first = a.shift
  puts first
# Fail due to first being assigned after access
puts first until first = a.shift

Note that there is the short-circuit style, in which the conditional is implicit.

a = value and method(a)
a = value and a.method2
a&.method2 # Safe navigation operator


Sometimes parentheses can make all the difference in the evaluation of an expression. The following examples show how you can obtain the last element of a list and a list without its last element, with or without side-effects. New value omission feature from Ruby 3.1 also requires parentheses to avoid unexpected behavior.

a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a[-1]  #=> 3, a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a.last #=> 3, a = [1, 2, 3]
c = a.pop  #=> 3, a = [1, 2]
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a[0..-2]  #=> [1, 2], a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a.drop(1) #=> [1, 2], a = [1, 2, 3]
(c = a).pop   #=> 3, a = c = [1, 2]

Splat operator

Exploit arrays with the * splat operator, an asterisk prefix to expand content from an inner container to an outer container at the same position. Prefer splatting small arrays, large arrays may trigger stack errors.

[1, *[2, 3]] #=> [1, 2, 3]
[*1..3, 4]   #=> [1, 2, 3, 4]

def process(arg0, arg1, *other_args)
  # arg0 == ARGV[0]
  # arg1 == ARGV[1]
  # other_args == ARGV[2..-1]


# Particularly useful to print Hashes
p *GC.stat

# Array coercion
a = *'str' #=> ['str']

Splat parameters

One way to name array indexes without adding extra lines. Note the double parentheses, one for the method parameters, another for splatting.

def add((x,y))
  x + y

add([5,3]) #=> 8

Custom-implicit splat

Define to_ary to splat any instance.

class Foo
  def initialize(x, y)
    @x = x
    @y = y

  def to_ary
    [@x, @y]

a, b =,2)
a # => 4
b # => 2

Splat iterator

Iterating nested Arrays can be cumbersome, but with parentheses we have parallel assignment, which acts just like the splat operator.

array = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]]]
array.each {|a,b| p [a.first, a.last, b.first, b.last]} # Prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
array.each {|(a,b),(c,d)| p [a, b, c, d]}               # Prints [1, 2, 3, 4]
[[1,2], [3,4]].each {|a,| print a} # Prints 1 3

# Splat with index
array = [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]
array.each_with_index {|(a,b),i| p [i, a, b]} # Prints [0, "a", "b"] [1, "c", "d"]

# Splat with only the variable you want
array.each {|a,| p a} # Prints "a" "c"

Pointer unification

Instead of creating your own Pointer or FreeVariable class, consider String or Array for fast value replacement. Strings can be used as pointers, so that changing the value of one string object changes the value of all variables that point to that string. Other complex objects use the same approach, with variables only holding pointers, while true, false, nil and numeric objects are stored in-place for speed. Note that you can replace only objects of the same class, such as array1.replace(array2) and not array1.replace(str2).

def unification(var)

a = ''
unification(a) { puts a } # Prints 1 2 3


Sometimes your program is interrupted by an error, other times you just noticed something wrong and decided to hit CTRL+C, causing an interruption. But that does not mean your program is going to terminate, sometimes you want to avoid a dirty exit and the computer must rescue you. This is useful when combined with timers, so you know how much time has passed until your patience has run dry. Multiple exceptions can be defined and their order is important.

# Single line
unsafe(x) rescue puts 'Oops, something went wrong'

begin # or def bar
  t =
  f = open('file.txt')
  # ...
rescue Interrupt
  puts "Interrupted after #{ - t}s"
  puts $!, $@
  puts 'No exceptions were raised!'

ARGV parsing

Parse arguments using a while loop that consumes values from ARGV. To make everything easier you can define the parser in a class method, such as self.setup, that returns a new instance. Required terms are processed first while others are shifted from options as required. Put HELP description at the top to provide help for both developers and users. Conditional/Assignment merge and Splat operator, previously described, are used in this example.

class Foo

  HELP = "Foo #{VERSION = '1.0.0'}
    Foo arg1 [options]\n
    -d       - specify debug mode
    -v level - verbose level: 0 for silent, 1 for warnings or 2 for complete"

  def initialize(arg1, debug, verbose)
    # ...

  def self.setup(arg1, *options)
    raise "arg1 not found: #{arg1.inspect}" unless File.exist?(arg1)
    debug = false
    verbose = 2
    # Parse each option
    while opt = options.shift
      case opt
      when '-d' then debug = true
      when '-v' then verbose = options.shift.to_i
      else raise "Unknown option: #{opt}"
    new(arg1, debug, verbose)

if $0 == __FILE__
  # Use ARGV.size < N for N required parameters or empty? for N == 1
  if ARGV.empty? or ARGV.first == '-h'
    puts Foo::HELP
  else Foo.setup(*ARGV)

Note that you can also exploit the Ruby switch parsing -s to set global variables. The global variable names must be valid and not conflict with system variables.

ruby -s -e 'p [$x, $y]' -- -x -y=value # Prints [true, "value"]

Hash behavior

Hash may behave differently according to object initialization if a default value or block is provided.

# Basic Hash
h =
h[2]      #=> nil
h         #=> {}
h[2] += 1 #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass

# Default value
h =
h[2]      #=> 0
h         #=> {}
h[2] += 1 #=> {2=>1}

# Default behavior
h = {|h,k| h[k] = 0}
h[2]      #=> 0
h         #=> {2=>0}
h[2] += 1 #=> {2=>1}

If the default value is not a boolean or numeric object, the behavior is probably not what one would expect, as the same instance is always returned.

h ='a')
h[2]         #=> 'a'
h << 'b'     #=> 'ab'
h[2]         #=> 'ab'
h.default    #=> 'ab'
h[3] <<= 'c' #=> 'abc'
h[4] += 'c'  #=> 'abcc'
h.default    #=> 'abc'
h            #=> {3=>'abc', 4=>'abcc'}

Equality operator

Some objects must be compared, and comparing only instance variables, @var == other.var, will result in error when other does not respond to var. Most users will compare the class first, self.class == other.class, which is good but not optimal. Instead of thinking if both objects have the same class we can think if self is an instance of other object class, which is slightly faster. Another option is to use duck typing with respond_to?, which allows other class instances to be compared, while requiring a respond_to? call for each method or variable to verify its availability.

class MyObject

  attr_reader :var

  def initialize(var)
    @var = var

  def ==(other) # Class comparison
    instance_of?(other.class) and @var == other.var

  def ==(other) # Duck typing comparison
    other.respond_to?(:var) and @var == other.var

Truly unique

Some objects are truly unique in memory, which means you can avoid comparing data and only compare pointers.

a = ['Ana', 1, ...]
b = ['Bob', 2, ...]
group1 = [a, b, ...]
group2 = [b, ...]
group1.uniq! # Slow, requires elements to be hashed
group1.uniq!(&:object_id) # Faster

Float division

Instead of forcing Integers to Float to obtain Float output from division, a.to_f / b, remember that fdiv exists, a.fdiv(b). This is useful if values must conform to mathematics/physics formulas where integer division rules from programming are nonexistent.

Range max or last element

Ranges may include (1..end) or exclude (1...end) their end, you can check with range.exclude_end?. To obtain the last element included in a range use range.max, otherwise use range.last.

a = 1..5
a.exclude_end?    #=> false
[a.first, a.last] #=> [1, 5]
[a.min,   a.max]  #=> [1, 5]
b = 1...5
b.exclude_end?    #=> true
[b.first, b.last] #=> [1, 5]
[b.min,   b.max]  #=> [1, 4]

Everything returns a value

Every Ruby code block returns a value, from a class or method definition to a method call or if/case statement. Which means you can do a.each {}.clear instead of a.each {}; a.clear, or assign the return value of method calls from case statements, such as a = case b; when ...; end.method. One interesting construction is to select which array to append an element (use_a ? array_a : array_b) << element. Consider replacing element with a complex formula without this construction, it would require repeating the formula for each branch or a temporary variable before the condition is evaluated. Repetition implies hard maintenance and variables imply reuse, use such constructions with caution to make your code intention more clear.

Going a little further one can even return from unexpected places, such as var = (foo || bar || return).uniq, you could even raise an exception instead of returning.

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