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07 September 2017
4 min read


Hierarchical Task Network is one approach to automated planning. Differently from classical planning, where one must find a sequence of actions to go from an initial state to a goal state, HTNs work by decomposing a task network while unifying free variables with objects based on the current state. This is a shift from an explicit goal state to an implicit one, instead of a goal predicate (at hero there) we now have a task (travel hero there). In this case a travel task is decomposed to a sequence of move tasks that actually describe state changes. Non primitive tasks like travel can be further decomposed by methods, which may have several ways to decompose a task, while primitive tasks like move are defined by operators that modify the current state. The final plan is obtained from the primitive tasks that remain after every non-primitive task is successfully decomposed.



Since both PDDL and SHOP/JSHOP input were based on Lisp and developed around the same time they share style (lots of parentheses), but not keywords. PDDL is verbose with a name for each field, while JSHOP expects the user to remember what each field is used for. The problem file is almost identical, the main differences are the lack of explicit objects and a task list instead of a goal state. The missing keywords can be replaced by comments to increase readability.


(define (problem pb1) (:domain search)
  (:objects ag1 p0 p1 p2 p3 p4)
    (at ag1 p0)
    (adjacent p0 p1) (adjacent p1 p0)
    (adjacent p1 p2) (adjacent p2 p1)
    (adjacent p2 p3) (adjacent p3 p2)
    (adjacent p3 p4) (adjacent p4 p3)
    (at ag1 p4)


(defproblem pb1 search

  (; initial state
    (at ag1 p0)
    (adjacent p0 p1) (adjacent p1 p0)
    (adjacent p1 p2) (adjacent p2 p1)
    (adjacent p2 p3) (adjacent p3 p2)
    (adjacent p3 p4) (adjacent p4 p3)
  (; task list
    (forward ag1 p4)


Modify the current state

JSHOP operators are prefixed with ! or !!. Instead of preconditions and effects, JSHOP operators have preconditions, delete and add effects. The conjunction token and can be omitted.


(:action move
  :parameters (?agent ?from ?to)
  :precondition (and
    (at ?agent ?from)
    (adjacent ?from ?to)
  :effect (and
    (not (at ?agent ?from))
    (at ?agent ?to)


(:operator (!move ?agent ?from ?to)
  (; preconditions
    (at ?agent ?from)
    (adjacent ?from ?to)
  (; delete effects
    (at ?agent ?from)
  (; add effects
    (at ?agent ?to)

Mark to avoid repetition

To avoid reaching the same position multiple times a memory is needed. Memory for planners is defined as a list of entire or partially states visited during search. Search algorithms and some classical planners employ the entire state option, being implicit that any reached state will not be explored twice. HTNs on the other hand may have tasks that must reach the same state multiple times and require the planning instance description to explicitly avoid repetitions when undesired. To create this memory of what already happened we can add predicates that mark partial states, in this case positions and agents, that were already explored. Since only operators can modify the state we need to add them, but they are only important internally, we can make them invisible to the final plan prefixing with !!.

(:operator (!!visit ?agent ?pos)
  () ; preconditions
  () ; delete effects
  ((visited ?agent ?pos)) ; add effects
(:operator (!!unvisit ?agent ?pos)
  () ; preconditions
  ((visited ?agent ?pos)) ; delete effects
  () ; add effects

Tasks are accomplished following recipes defined by methods. Multiple paths can be described for the same task, according to preference and context. Here the preference is the order in which paths are described, while context appear as preconditions. For the forward method we have two paths, one is the base in which the agent is already at the goal and no subtask is required. The second is the recursion, as the name suggests it will expand one move and recursively expands forward, taking care to mark positions visited and later freeing such positions to be reused. The travel method we suggested in the introduction is here implemented as a forward search, but other implementations of search are possible. The task decomposition process continues until base is applicable, otherwise this method returns failure.

(:method (forward ?agent ?goal)
  ((at ?agent ?goal)) ; preconditions
  () ; subtasks

  (; preconditions
    (at ?agent ?from)
    (adjacent ?from ?place)
    (not (visited ?agent ?place))
  (; subtasks
    (!move ?agent ?from ?place)
    (!!visit ?agent ?from)
    (forward ?agent ?goal)
    (!!unvisit ?agent ?from)

HTN in games

HTNs can be seen as the next level of Behavior Trees, with a logic flavor that gives AI freedom to choose variable values and task ordering. As faster processors become available, multiple game designers are taking advantage of HTN to improve their agents: